Thursday, July 23, 2020

Is it a natural feeling?

... that if you like someone you like their family?


Colored Pencil

Kindle Unlimited

“How to Draw for Kids” - “Children Art Book Vol. 1”
(C) 2020 - Max Fun


While it seems I should only be appreciative of the older lady I like, I get depressed she's not that open with me like with others, like people from my life she knows about.  It happens in hurtful ways, like when I'm more vulnerable and don't know it.  Then, people get on my case and won't leave things be.

Too Many People

I'm not getting what I deserve because bad people want to take it, things like nostalgia for old days.

Maybe a Trap

Maybe, there's just no hope and this is all a trap.


I did already play along, but they are going overboard and this is extremely selfish.


People keep acting like I did something wrong.


Do what you will, you seem to believe it and meant it.

"A Disturbance in the Force"

If the older lady I like is all that in a certain way ... I forget what I was going to say ... oh yes, if she gets slack that she isn't really "all that" (but still gets more pleasure than others,) why does she have fame and popularity over me now?  It's not helping anyone.  She's "one more" famous person.  She didn't make everyone else famous through all this and popular.

People are like a herd of cattle, and if I notice something funny about her in these hard ways of communicating with my dad always threateningly mad at me ... does not mean everyone has to notice it and act on it like it's better that way, probably just ruining my relationship with her and maybe acting like she'll get more pleasure because she is popular but also after/through me in some ways.

I'm upset she may die someday, not a big life ahead, and people getting involved in bad ways is not helping.  I feel teased.  Come on, the whole world wants her.

They took advantage of me.

No one "gets it."

Someone I like a lot is there with people monitoring me in private being mean to me ... this person I like a lot, an older lady, who seemed smart and nice actually can't seem to get past blocks of thinking and keeps acting like it's smart to have already detected that my younger girl cousin is gonna get what I deserve like it's her business ... and this older lady actually went in and acted like my cousin was better.

"No one cares about me."

There are people monitoring me in private, and an older lady I like supposedly can punish me (for no reason) and it is like she is set to end our relationship.


I guess I may just go to college and not work or do ballet.  I graduate this semester.

I don't have money to take ballet classes to prepare for an audition, though I may go in and take classes.

Work would also take up time and is not beneficial to my health like ballet.

I am living on SSI and may move into a group home.

Why So Silent?

People act like they subdued me racially.

Used and Abused and Confused

People won't admit they made a mistake here and just want all this social drama that's hard on me.


People think because others are bad that that changes my life because people say it was unfair I was good and that that's the only reason I get anything.


People are mean to me and singling me out and acting like other people are better, at my expense.

People want to act like I'm in trouble when I'm a very good person and otherwise not associate with me as intensely.