Sunday, July 12, 2020


People are making fun of famous people and telling other people they are "just like that."

People Who Can't Find

If you're multi-talented and involved in activities in high school, why can't  you be successful after, too?  It's all about knowing what you want to be young and focusing on that, people who can't find.


People in classical music are dangerous.


Why do some people think I'm a fool?

Message Board Post by Me


Topic by Me

How did you get into pop music?

We watched musicals my 1st year of junior high, 6th grade.

I got into Titanic in early 1998, that year, and I was 11 years old.

Of course, the clothes I wore changed. When we left Florida that year, I started wearing women's clothes, like plaid country shirts but not money to get much.

As we speak

people are finding new ways to see or pretend to prove me to be a bad person, when I'm really nice and well-behaved, etc.

"Beautiful," Prestigious, Mixed-European, Child-Celeb Girls!

Tiger Woods's Daughter
- Dad - 
     father - African-American
     maternal grandfather - Thai
     maternal grandmother - Dutch, Chinese
- Mom - 

Johnny Depp's Daughter
- Dad -
     English, along with small amounts of Irish, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, Scottish, Welsh, French, French-Canadian, Dutch, Flemish Belgian, and German, as well as 3/2048 African (1st freed Black woman)
- Mom - 
      French, 1/64th Italian

Tim Burton's Daughter
- Dad - 
     father - English, Scottish, German, remote Dutch and French
     mother - Norwegian, Swedish, Croatian, possibly German
- Mom -
     dad - 50% English
     mom - 37.5% Ashkenazi Jewish, 6.25% Spanish, 6.25% likely Irish and French

"Good job!"

I feel like things have turned around.  Nothing I do is brilliant to some people or inciting or evoking.

I feel people are getting popular for things I've already done, like how they act and some of how others perceive them.

Is there not enough room in the world for all of us?